Feature of Super Adorable Persian Cats

Want to know more about Feature of Super Adorable Persian Cats? This is a feature on the Super Adorable Persian Cats. The name sounds like some kind of magic potion, but this cat looks just like one. It has a distinctive double eyelid pattern that makes it look like two eyes have been fused together.
Feature of Super Adorable Persian Cats

How do they do that? Well, its double eyelid pattern allows them to see at night. That's when they get really excited about getting a good look at each other!

Not all cats have this eye patterns, but cats are genetically inclined to have them. Their double eyelid patterns are recessive genes and not dominant genes. If you breed a cat with two double eyelid patterns, the resulting kittens will inherit two different gene patterns.

Feature of Super Adorable Persian Cats

The white cats and their dark-eyed siblings share a recessive gene that causes their distinct eye patterns. They are known as X-linked recessive because they only carry one copy of the gene and the mother passes it to her kittens. The kittens carry the gene in each of their cells and are therefore prone to eye problems.

So, if your first Persian cat doesn't have the double eyelid pattern, then you have the option of buying a sibling whose parents have the gene. You can breed them together and make sure that your cats don't get eye problems.

These kittens carry two copies of the recessive gene, so they do not have the double eyelid pattern. You can then have one of the kittens carry one copy of the gene and get rid of the eye problems and the other kitten carry two copies of the gene and cause eye problems.

Feature of Super Adorable Persian Cats

The two kittens will have two identical eye problems, but there won't be any pain or scarring. They have a normal life until they are older and begin to develop symptoms of the eye problems that they inherited from their mom. The cat with one copy of the gene will be "white" and the one with two copies will be "red".

The red kitten will have more severe eye problems than the white. The red cat may also develop ear infections or a disease called Feliway which means a reaction to some chemicals in the cat's body. It's a hereditary disease.

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